By Jonathan Langley
At the time of this article, Day Trading Robot is easily the best stock picking software available on the market today for these following reasons.
Day Trading Robot is the stock picking love child of an expert programmer as well as an expert and winning trader, James Holt, it being based in part on 23 of his winning trading strategies. It constantly analyzes real time market data around the clock using mathematical algorithms and notes which pricing patterns lead to large upswings in the market to add it to its trading "repertoire", consequently making this program is more advanced and capable with each day. It also focuses on smaller, lower risk/reward trades so that you can get in and out safely to see small gains over and over again as they build up.
Once Day Trading Robot notices a stock in the market begin to exhibit similar patterns to successful trend producing stocks in the past, it investigates it further to decide whether or not it will act in the same way and should therefore be deemed a sound trade.
In placing Day Trading Robot's weekly trades, I have experienced a very agreeable winning rate of 80%. Note that Day Trading Robot doesn't win every single trade, but it does win most and the gains which you get from these far outweigh any losses which you might experience.
Because all of the real work is done for you of painstakingly researching the market around the clock, all you've got to do is enact the trades. Because of this you don't need any real market experience beyond being able to enact simple trades by logging into an online trading account. Just from blindly placing every recommended trade, I've since experienced that very profitable winning rate of 80% as a result.
I wholly suggest that you don't take my word on this if you're still understandably skeptical about this system's ability to help you achieve your financial independence. As I briefly touched on, Day Trading Robot comes with an iron clad, 60 day full money back guarantee which convinced me to try it in the first place, as well. You don't even have to risk any money to test it as you can simply follow the recommended picks along in their progress in the market to gauge their performance, making the entire transaction risk free.
Try this best stock picking software risk free for 60 days, you won't regret it.
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