If you have some extra funds, the best way to increase your wealth is to invest it as soon as possible. First, you need to decide how much you want to invest. It depends on how much you are comfortable with.

To get started you may want to put a portion in something safe such as a certificate of deposit. Investing in the stock market will allow you to choose how much risk you want to take. If you want something with a bit of security, choose a company that provides a service people rely on. Something they will always need. Then do some online researching to see how that particular company has done in the past, you may not see a large return but it should be consistent.

You may want to use a portion of your money to purchase stocks that have more risk. They have a higher rate of return, but you will need to monitor them. You need to sell when they are high, make a profit and reinvest. Keep in mind that you are in this to make money. Do not get emotionally involved; do not hang onto a stock because you want to show support for a company. Likewise if a stock begins to dip, do not sell in a panic, it may come back up in a few days; you do not want to loose money.

Once you decide where to invest money, use the Internet to keep on eye on it, you can also buy and sell your stock online.

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