With the demise of Lehman Brothers stock markets around the world have taken another major nosedive, it was not quite another Black Monday however it was not far off. The credit crunch is now in over drive with many people asking just how much lower can and will the stock markets go?

Even today as stocks and shares from around the world continue to plummet there are many people talking up the state of the markets. These will be financial advisers, stock brokers, people who are not wanting to lose face. They do not want to be seen to have given any form of bad of advice. In reality it is not their fault that the markets have fallen in this way and it can be quite difficult to second guess which way the markets are going to go. As long as people are being given full advice as to the fact that stocks can fall as well as rise then there should be no problem. In fact people who are investing on a regular basis rather than in lump sums may well actually do very nicely out of the current climate as the lower the stock markets go the more units or shares your money will buy. This becomes of benefit to you when the stock markets start to rise again.

The main players in the financial sector are fully aware that we may not have seen the worst of this credit crunch as yet and that stock markets could well have much further to fall. Just think for a moment, what would happen if AIG were to fall into administration or a bank in the UK such as HBOS? I hope you are not laughing as this could well happen.

I personally think that we have a long way to go before we do reach the bottom of the market. I am however a speculator and am currently investing on a monthly basis into some very dicey waters, that being the Russian, Indian and Chinese stock markets. Am I brave or rather foolish? Well we will have to wait and see. It is all a bit of a gamble at the end of the day.


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