You've heard the stories... "two geeks create revolutionary stock trading system" or "former investment banker makes millions off legal investing program." Folks, the stock trading robot programs lurking on the internet are the biggest scams in the industry. These websites typically rely on the whole "white lie" advertising schemes to have you thinking that you are coming across a quasi-legal advanced technology that nobody else has... all you are getting is a smack in the face, and here's why!
The first thing about these websites that should set you off is the obvious "getting rich off the stock market" ploy. Anyone who is proposing "$3,500,000,000+ profit" and/or "average 102% increases" from trading stocks is taking you for a ride. In fact, anyone who says you'll be earning over 20% profit from the stock market is a liar.
Case in point, all these programs do is feed you worthless penny stocks. What is a penny stock? Basically a non-company that has issued some cheap form of stock to raise capital. If you own MSFT (Microsoft) at $30.42 a share, then if the shares trade up, lets say $0.50... you make a 1.64% gain on the day. However, if you buy one of these ultra high-risk penny stocks from the stock trading robot for $0.20 per share, you would make 250% profit in just one day! Fantastic.
I think not!
There's a reason that these websites typically never mention downside, not once, on the entire front page. There's a reason that the professionals, and heck, even educated amateurs, don't waste their money in penny stocks. There is going to be almost NO news for this stock, NO research to base things on, and NO history to look back on. You can't compare penny stocks to get an attractive valuation, all you have is random guessing and speculation. You might get lucky and see 100% profit on a day, but you are more likely to lose it all with a huge -300% profit than anything else.
The crooks at these stock trading robot websites try to pass this "software" off as being worth $28,000 per license. I beg to differ. In fact, my friend over at Trainee Trader researched the coding of one of these programs and found it wasn't a program at all. The program in question just fetched a preloaded pick from a server once a day, pretending to do work along the way. I have never seen one of these programs that has actually done "work"... and I've tried them all. What you typically have is a progress bar that pretends to make progress, while all it is going to do is pump back the one stock that's already been pre-loaded by the criminals taking your money in the first place. No math, no complex algorithm, nothing! You are simply paying for a dud.
You'll often see some charts thrown up on these stock trading robot scam pages, trying to get you to believe they have made some sort of achievement in technical analysis. Here's some news for you, they haven't. Technical analysis has been around for years, and is especially unreliable on penny stocks. You can't judge a trend when stocks boom and bust day after day, sometimes completely random!
These scam websites make me angry every time I see an advertisement for them, which is far too often. You simply can't win if you are playing the market with penny stocks... its not going to happen. They talk about their "operations" where they are analyzing all of these risky stocks and actually finding something special. What jerks! Throw a couple of "technical analysis" graphs up, and these things actually look legitimate.
Now on to the worst part by far. The "success" stories.
This is pretty much all they are, stories. I am going to be maybe the first to do this, but I think the guys operating the various robot-trading scam sites are paying off people to make these videos claiming things work. Every video is so rehearsed, they never sound real. Nobody is going to make a serious claim that these programs have helped, they just talk about reaping insane profits without mention of their losses... which by simple mathematics should occur more often than profits.
Don't buy into this crafty, sneaky, suspicious or whatever you want to call it "software." These scams typically operate by making you purchase their $30, $40 or $50 software, which they make sound like a bargain by throwing out a random multi-thousand dollar "retail value."Then they will smack you with a newsletter or subscription fee to get more picks every day. You don't need any of that garbage. Getting your hopes up that you can beat the system, which is essentially run by the big dogs on Wall Street, is foolish.
The famed "stock trading robots" are scams. Believe it. The fact that people are advertising the heck out of these programs to try and make a quick dime off of your false hope doesn't make it any better.
Bottom Line: You can't make money on the stock market in excess of 20% with any degree of reliability... its just not going to happen. The stock trading robot programs on the internet are some of the biggest scams in the business, and have made a lot of people rich off others' misfortune. Don't be a fool, and stay bullish on the net!
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