Trading after exchange hours

The main advantage of trading stocks out of hours is that if news breaks while the exchange is closed you are able to act on any such buying/selling opportunity straight away. However liquidity is a lot lower out of hours meaning there is usually a much greater amount of volatility in prices, with a lot less volume. Also the market is dominated by institutional investors and as a result it can be very expensive for the smaller investor to trade in the market.

Employee purchase schemes

If you company has one of these make sure you join. Such schemes work in a variety of ways however most usually let you purchase shares at a discount to the market price, or offer you free shares if you buy a certain amount out of your own money. Either way you are getting some value for nothing. Unless you are bearish about the prospects of you company then you should seriously consider joining any scheme that is on offer to you.

Do not follow the crowd

Often by the time you have read about a great stock it may be too late. Most investors that lose money do so by conforming to the herd mentality. If you research your stock picks well and are confident enough in your skills then you should be happy buying unfavourable stocks. Think about it. It is best to buy at the bottom and sell near the top, than buying near the top and selling at the top.

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