Nowadays, with more and more people taking control of their own financial future, a stock investing tutorial can prove to be very useful for them. This quote from Carl Icahn, a billionaire investor, can clear up the value of stock education. "Before anything, it's vitally important for anybody to realize the value of stock investing education and then it's fine to cultivate earnestly, aggressively, into a stock investor." There is nothing more important to us than financial stability. We work hard and strive to get those promotions in our careers so that we'll be in a position where money isn't a worry anymore. The future scares most of us because the thought of the unknown is always in our minds. And the only thing to ease that fear is knowing that money will never be an issue. However, there are several money making institutions that people can take advantage of that will grow income and provide us with that financial stability. The stock market is the best source to plan for your future and with the appropriate knowledge, everybody can be successful investors.
Stock Investing to Plan Your Future:
Like I said above, the stock market is an excellent way to plan your financial future, good for setting up any kind of fund (i.e. retirement or college). And by learning stock investing basics, all can take charge of their financial future that many badly seek. The problem is most don't have this knowledge so instead of trying to acquire stock investing education, they hire a financial planner from their financial institution. By buying mutual funds and/or ETFs, these planners that control of your funds and try to increase the money you have set for them to invest in the stock market. Why the stock market? There is plenty of money available in the market to be won for everybody and if you have the right knowledge, anybody can grow their money.
Don't Rely on Financial Planners:
If you can go ahead and hire a financial planner to take care of your money, why do the work yourself? I can go ahead and answer that question with three simple points.
1) What most don't know is that these financial planners don't consider your portfolios a first priority. These companies have an obligation to themselves to protect their company and the best way they know how is to reduce their risks. Therefore, they don't take your money and invest in any risky investments to avoid potential huge downfalls. This can be good sometimes for those who are older and wish to invest rather safely. But for others, they're missing out in a lot of money because by taking on more risk, they can be making much more money. Of course there is the possibility of losing money but those with the correct stock investing education will rarely fail.
2) If you chose to control your own stock portfolio, you can choose the investments that fit the best for you. A planner asks you a few questions and based on those answers, he invests in stocks and bonds that he thinks will work best for you based on their average clientele. Not very logical or personal.
3) The fees to hire these planners can get pretty pricey. The top notch financial institutions will charge you a flat fee regardless of your portfolio's performance. So if you're losing money, tough luck. The other planners charge you a percentage of the gains you receive during a particular period of time. What people don't understand here is that lots of times, you get charged more than once. Let's say during the first period, you investments grew so you pay your planner. The next period, the market drops so your investments come back to your original starting point. The next period, your investment rises up again to the same point of the first period. You get charged again over the same amount gained before. And because the market fluctuates so much, this happens a lot over the time your portfolio exists. Lots of money is lost that most people could really use.
Financial planners are the easy way out but are not very efficient. Most will be able to grow your investments steadily over a period of time until you need them. However, if you learned the stock investing basics, there would be no need to waste money in these institutions.
Stock Investing Tutorial:
There are three faults that deny the average person from taking care of their own finances: knowledge, experience, and laziness. However, now that I told you about the loads of money you're potentially losing from a financial planner, I think laziness might be slowly dissipating from most minds.
"Everyone has the brainpower to follow the stock market. If you made it through fifth-grade math, you can do it."-Peter Lynch, world famous mutual fund manager. Stock market investing isn't for those high-classed, well-educated individuals anymore. You don't even have to have any finance background to take part in this public market. As Mr. Lynch gently put it, you only need to have a brain. Yes there are some weird terminologies and difficult strategies but they are quite simple once you learned some stock investing education. And usually learning how to make money is something most will open ears to, trying to obtain important stock investing basics.
Stock Investing Tutorials Can Save You Money:
For those that haven't learned or dealt with any type of investment, there is no need to think that you can't do it by yourself. I was once in this position but I saw how much I was throwing money away and figured I can do it myself. And I did. Even for those who have some investing experience, whether you failed or succeeded, there will always be something in the market that you haven't learned about. Like the quote written in the first paragraph, said by Mr. Icahn, when it comes to investing in the stock market there is nothing more important than stock investing education. A stock investing tutorial can change your life into a money making machine and start you on the way to investing like the big guns on Wall Street.
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