If you keep losing money in your stocks and you fill that something is wrong and probably you are missing some point by reading this article it will open you a door to the information that is known for just few specialists traders that are making money.
I was myself in the same situation and I had the same fillings till I was exposed to the Day trading methodology that I've learned from one of the top Day trader's person.
I've searched for a very long time an equities mentor that will guide me and I've looked for a person that uses this stuff for his day time living.
I've learned all Day trading tactics and methodologies and I've practice it for a long time and proof to myself that this is actually working.
It becomes evident for me that only too few people and mostly the big financial companies are the only ones that make a lot of money from stocks trading. I understood that you need to know better how the "Experts" works in order to make money in the stocks market.
Hereby I'm going to give you some valuable tips that will help you understand better how it works.
Lets moves over the basics: Longs positions are bunch of stocks that we are buying and which we expect the stock price to raise in order to gain profit and the opposite goes for Short positions.
I found out that not too many traders knows much about short positions and how much can you gain by being short on downtrend stocks in downtrend market.
First of all the most important thing is to trade only in respectively to market direction, I know that you probably have heard of that, but you need to keep that in mind while managing your positions.
Second, is to prepare stocks picks based on Daily candlesticks charts over 6 months period, before the stocks exchange market opening. The stocks picks need to rely on good technical structures as higher high break out lines for longs positions or lower low breakdown lines for short positions. I can recommend you a great site with free stocks picks www.winstocks.net, which publish stocks picks based on technical structures on daily based.
Third, when market starts watch your stock picks along with market index. I recommend watching SPY symbol (ETF of S&P500 index) in order to see the market direction. If the market is up use the Longs position otherwise use the Shorts ones.
Do not use your Long positions if the market is down and vise versa.
Place stop loss command around 15 cents below the entering price in longs or above the entering price in shorts in order to protect your self. Don't move this stop loss command down in longs positions it's the same as your Car breaks.
Use one of the online trading brokers, which allow you to buy stocks with very low commission directly during market time while getting online quotes.
I will give you some more tips in the future.
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