Investing is the act of dealing with the extra money you have made in an intelligent manner. I say intelligence because it is certainly smarter to have you money working for you than just sitting in an account that is barely earning you any interest whatsoever. If you are not making more money from you money then you are doing it all wrong. Capitalism is fueled by investing. If you want your piece of the pie you have to jump in the mix and put your money to work.

Dont count on your companys retirement plan to put you up in the Bahamas after your working days are over. Investing is most definitely an art 90 percent of the time and if you have the gift of speculation you are perfect for the stock market. So why not give the market a try and put your money where your skills are. Even if you dont have this gift you still can profit quite handsomely from a trend that is hot. Whats hot? The stock market is, even when it is down. We live in a market that affords so many with the opportunity to do more than just sit around and watch their money be spent at WalMart.

Investing is a way of looking into o the future and predicting a profit. Predicting your own profit that is. No you dont become a fortune teller but you do become a sort of an entrepreneur. Like it or not you are taking risks that a majority of others are just too scared to take. In fact, once you start investing you will find that many people look at you with a sort of admiration and will even often talk about how they should invest, yet they never do. People in your work place will see you as the Mr. Miyagi of money. If they only knew it wasnt that difficult.

We are not talking about trading here. Thats a whole other animal. Trading is typically buying and holding for relatively short periods of time while investing is studying and strategically holding for the long term. There is money to be made in both methods but investing is certainly less effort and stress for the most part. If you get a thrill out of buying and selling then maybe trading is the better option. However, if this does not get you juices flowing and you just want a nice retirement egg then investing is the right choice.

Investing in the stock market is definitely one way to accomplish you financial goals. We all have bills. We all have extra cash, whether small or large. Why not use this extra money you have after paying the bills to increase you money even more than what a savings account would. There does seem to be some emotional barriers to overcome if you have never invested before. For some reason, if it is your first time investing, you will feel much internal opposition. Its just not easy to give someone hard earned money and trust that you will make more on a smart investment.

Is investing for you? Well sit down and write down your income and bills. What do you have left over? Do you have even a little money you could try out the stock market with? You dont need much. Give it a try.

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