Trading on the stock market is a risky business. But managing that risk, and your perception of risk is the key measure of success.

The only thing people fear most about the art of losing scholarship money. A ship which is rarely observed, is never trade with money you can not afford to lose. This is good advice. Many people borrowed money to trade during the Dot.com bubble erased most everyone in the detonation dot.com.

How can we manage risk and our perception of it? Our concept of money varies from person to person. Someone who is worth $ 1 million per year, not losing a lot of thought and $ 1,000, but for someone earning $ 15,000 a year, loses $ 1,000 to see him break the bank.

The way our understanding of changes to keep the money as a way to earn more money is not practical now so we must abandon feelings of money.

Think about $ 500, you feel well or you lose sleep at night? When losing sleep at night there would be many emotions associated with this amount in this report. Try it with an amount less than $ 100. Easily trade at $ 100; is better, then this is the level of comfort you. The trades of this money until you are happy to cooperate with the increase in trade.

Trade at home with more money comes from experience. If you find that trade is more than we lose, then the confidence in your ability to see the market building. If it is not arrogant. Once you bite, the market is exuberant. Keep your little boat, and gradually up to higher value activities.

So now that we are treated to the perception of risk, you must now make sure that you will not lose all your money. That is, ensuring that you always have to repeat that ever put a stop loss is to the profession.

One approach, so the loss is mandated to sell (or buy if you sell shares) the trade name that you do when you reach a certain level of loss. For example, if you buy the Google (GOOG) to $ 460 and then declined as Rose, stop losing your level is where you decide that you do additional damage will be. Thus, in this case, I set my stop at 10% less than the price at me.
This means that the shares will be sold automatically to 414th will receive $ loss, but I do not want to lose all my money.

Once you've set your limit to lose, what you have should not move down. However, you can guarantee your stop loss increase as the price increases. I want my back to stop the share price 10% lower, but keep a close stop losses (ie, 4% appropriate) markets are less volatile.

Think about your business as a business. In business, the turnover you want, you can win (winning trades), but you will, and operating costs, such as utilities, telephone, etc. Think of your losses as business expenses. By placing a stop loss on your transactions, you ensure that your costs do not go very high, and wipe your profits.


By Aaron CC Sim and Mirriam MacWilliams

Options trading can be quite a daunting subject, especially if you are a beginner to it without any or much knowledge about doing investing, or do not understand the financial markets.

While all types of investments bring with them certain degree of risks, they can also be good opportunities to make money if you are armed with the right strategies and mindset of a successful investor.

One such investment instrument is the buying and selling of options, commonly known as options trading. This article is written to help beginners to better understand what it is all about.

Many beginners new to the financial market will often ask: "What is an option?"

An option is actually a contract giving the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset (a stock or index) at a specific price on or before a certain date. It is a security, just like a stock or bond, and it constitutes a binding contract with strictly defined terms and properties.

There are only two kinds of options and they are:

Call Options and Put Options

A Call Option is a contract that gives the owner the right, but not the obligation to buy shares of a stock at a specified price (also known as strike price) on or before the date of expiration.

A Put Option is a contract that gives the owner the right to sell a specified number of shares of a stock at a specified price (strike price) on or before a certain date.

The amount paid for an option is known as the premium. The premium can be further broken down into intrinsic value and time value.

The Strike (Exercise) price is the price at which the underlying security can be bought or sold as specified in the option contract. The strike price also helps to identify whether an option is In-the-Money, At-the-Money, or Out-of-the-Money when compared to the price of the underlying security.

I will explain more about the terms In-the-Money, At-the-Money, or Out-of-the-Money are in my options trading course.

About Wealth Mentors:
Aaron Sim is the CEO of Wealth Mentors. Aaron let go of a 6-figure job as Finance Director of Unisys Singapore to start his coaching and training business. In just 4 years, his business has gone from zero to a successful S$10 million operation. Aaron is Mirriam MacWilliam's first protege in Asia and is now a successful options trader. He is a CPA by training and has been featured in the Sunday Times, Star, The Standard and Shang Hai magazine.

Mirriam MacWilliams is a self-made millionaire. She is a well-respected options trader and takes pride in helping people make money from trading options. She is also the former National Director of Education of the largest non-profit investment club in US and the Chief Options Trainer of Wealth Mentors. Mirriam has developed a step by step options trading course that has been time-tested and proven to help you consistently generate massive profits using options trading, even if you are a complete newbie. You can click this http://www.usoptionstrading.com to learn more about options trading.


By Jonathan Langley

At the time of this article, Day Trading Robot is easily the best stock picking software available on the market today for these following reasons.

Day Trading Robot is the stock picking love child of an expert programmer as well as an expert and winning trader, James Holt, it being based in part on 23 of his winning trading strategies. It constantly analyzes real time market data around the clock using mathematical algorithms and notes which pricing patterns lead to large upswings in the market to add it to its trading "repertoire", consequently making this program is more advanced and capable with each day. It also focuses on smaller, lower risk/reward trades so that you can get in and out safely to see small gains over and over again as they build up.

Once Day Trading Robot notices a stock in the market begin to exhibit similar patterns to successful trend producing stocks in the past, it investigates it further to decide whether or not it will act in the same way and should therefore be deemed a sound trade.

In placing Day Trading Robot's weekly trades, I have experienced a very agreeable winning rate of 80%. Note that Day Trading Robot doesn't win every single trade, but it does win most and the gains which you get from these far outweigh any losses which you might experience.

Because all of the real work is done for you of painstakingly researching the market around the clock, all you've got to do is enact the trades. Because of this you don't need any real market experience beyond being able to enact simple trades by logging into an online trading account. Just from blindly placing every recommended trade, I've since experienced that very profitable winning rate of 80% as a result.

I wholly suggest that you don't take my word on this if you're still understandably skeptical about this system's ability to help you achieve your financial independence. As I briefly touched on, Day Trading Robot comes with an iron clad, 60 day full money back guarantee which convinced me to try it in the first place, as well. You don't even have to risk any money to test it as you can simply follow the recommended picks along in their progress in the market to gauge their performance, making the entire transaction risk free.

Try this best stock picking software risk free for 60 days, you won't regret it.

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Knowledge is power and every one knows that without it your are lost.

* Penny Stocks are just like any other stocks you have to be able to recognize the trends for successful trading and profit. You will have to invest your time and energy to learning about the different penny stocks to know when their market will change. When the market is changing up or down is the difference between turning a profit and losing money. Your success hinges on knowing when to buy and sell at the right times.

* Learning the terminology associated with penny stocks is very important. Because the more well versed you are on the terminology then you will become more successful.

* Even though the penny market is low cost compared to other stocks you can still make a respectable profit that can make a difference for you and your family as far as income to help pay for your bills or building towards your retirement.

* There are new technologies out there now that can greatly increase your chances for successful stock trading. The great thing about the stock trading software is the fact that they are programmed to recognize the trends and alert you to which stocks are likely to be good to invest in. They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use. If you are think about investing in a stock trading software then it would be to your advantage to learn all you can about the different type and the pros and cons of each one before buying one.

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Choosing the best stock broker can be a chore if you are not aware of what you need to be aware of. This choice really depends on the type of investment you plan to participate in. A broker is a person who can buy and sell stock on the stock exchange and usually is employed by a brokerage firm. If you are thinking of your need for a broker then the simple answer is yes if you plan to engage in buying and selling stocks on the stock exchange. This article will focus on finding the best stock broker for your needs.

To get their license all stock brokers are required to take and pass two tests. Most who have taken the tests will agree that they are pretty difficult to pass. In fact most brokers usually have some exposure to finance or business. Most brokers have at least a bachelors degree with many also having advanced degrees.

Since many people tend to confuse the roles and responsibilities of a stock market analyst and a stock broker I will define them here. A stock market analyst's role is to analyze the stock market and based on that data come up with a prediction of what it won't or will do in a given time frame. A stock broker's role is simply to buy or sell stocks based solely on your instructions.

You should also be aware that in most cases brokers earn their income on commissions from your stock transactions. This commission is generated whenever you participate in a stock buy or sell through your broker. Your broker will typically get a percentage of this fee as well. However, it should be noted that in a lot of cases the broker will charge a flat fee.

Keep in mind that there are more then one type of broker you can interact with. There are two general categories that exist:Full service brokers and discount brokers. The difference is usually in the amount of service you receive and the commission you pay. The Full service brokers will usually have a much larger set of services that they can do for you, in some cases offer investment advice and is usually paid in commissions.

On the other hand you have the discount broker. For the most part they do not offer investment advice or market research. They typically just execute the trades that you have asked for and that's it.

Given this knowledge then the biggest decision you will make when it comes down to choosing the best stock broker is deciding if it will be a discount or full- service one.

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It can be tempting to get into stocks that are offering high dividends. In fact for an investor the dividends can make up a huge amount of your total profit from that investment.

But there are a few things you are going to want to consider looking at if you are investing for the dividends.

1. Find out how much you are willing to take.

You should have a minimum amount you are willing to accept from your dividends. For example, if you only want to look for returns with a dividend of 7% annually or higher don't look at companies that are only offering a dividend of 3% annually. Remember the higher you ask for the harder it will be for you to find it.

2. Find stocks with dividends

After you find out how much you are willing to take you should go find stocks with a good dividend yield. Only invest in stocks or ETFs with a strong return.

3. Find stable companies

Obviously getting a 10% annual dividend isn't going to help you if the stock's price falls 80%. You are going to want to search out for strong companies with strong growth before you ever invest in it. When you buy for the dividends you buy for the long term so buy something that will be around for a while.
Stocks that are hot right now normally do not make a good return for an income investor because they can fall and fall hard.

4. Preferably growth

There is more ways to profit from a stock then its dividend. It would be nice to buy a strong undervalued company with a strong future and strong dividends. I believe it is very important to look for strength; dividends are not enough to make you profitable on a trade. The company has to be worth investing in even if it didn't pay dividends.

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Stop limit orders are very powerful in the stock market if used correctly. They can give you a new way of placing a trade that can potentially benefit you.

So when might it be a good idea to place a stop limit order?

1. When a stock is at resistance and you are expecting it to break through.

Say a stock is at a key level of resistance of $45. If the stock breaks through to $47 you are willing to consider it a breakout and take the trade. And if it does break out you have a target of say $55.
Well that can be good, but what if the stock breaks through gaps up and opens at $52. Suddenly you are filled at $52 and risking it coming all the way down breaking through the $45 level just to make $3.

Instead you can place a stop limit order with a stop of $47 and a limit of $48. This way if the stock breaks up out of resistance your stop order would be triggered. But you would only get filled if you can get into the stock for $48 or better. This way your risk to reward can be managed.

2. When the stock is bouncing off support.

If you are trying to catch a stock as it bounces off support you might want to wait for it to start bouncing first. But similar to the breakout you have a target and do not want to get filled if the stock gaps up too high.

In addition to these you should also know when not to use a stop limit order. If you buy a stock for a short term trade you should never use a stop limit order to limit your losses. Why? Because if you have a stop limit order with s top of $20 and a limit at $18, if the stock falls down to your stop you will only sell the stock if you can sell it for $18 or higher.

Now if the stock hits your stop you are out. If the stock gaps down to say $17 you want to take the small loss and run. You do not want to hold onto it and have it fall to $15, $10 or even lower.

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One of the fastest growing and electric means to earn money these days is day trading. Some people use day trading to supplement their standard income stream, and some treat it as a full time occupation. With its huge profit potential and the charge it can provide, it's no surprise more people are jumping into day trading.

Obviously you can't simply jump in and earn massive money without understanding what you're doing! Day trading involves risks, but understanding how to deal with those risks and make knowledgeable decisions will provide you with the greatest opportunity at maximizing your profits, and minimizing any downswings.

Obviously, buying shares at a low cost and unloading when the cost is high is how you earn money in the stock market. So when do you know when to jump into in a certain stock?

Here are some important tips in order for you to earn money in the stock market.

Prepare ahead of time. You need to be alert and ready prior to executing your first trade. You'll need to stay abreast of developments in the news, like mergers, stock issuance, and profit gains or losses for major organizations. It's important to have a sound idea of the news in the stock market.

Don't spend too much time on stocks with small movement. With day trading day trading, cash is gained by buying and selling shares that are subject to frequent price movements. As you most likely understand, day trading means moving shares throughout the course of a day. You don't have the time to stick around and discover what happens as other money making chances are passing you by.

Hone up on your number abilities. Having the ability to understand financial information and numbers is important to being a prosperous trader. You don't need to be a math genius, but you must know what the financial numbers mean in order to make quick, sound assessments.

Learn how to have plenty of guts. The individuals who generate the most cash are able to control their emotions even if they are going through a drought. Whether you are too enthusiastic about a giant profit, or deeply disappointed about a loss, both of these emotions can hinder your ability to stay in the game, take wise actions, and keep a clear mind.

You may not get well off right away, but these strategies are going to get you on the path to earning great money with day trading. There's plenty of cash to be made in the markets and with a small amount of work, you can be turning a profit from this electric online job.

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With the help of Indian stock market updates, one comes to know the fact that the stock prices of various companies have got down. According to the recent updates, the software companies which had shown great promises of growth are now not doing well. The prices of these software companies have reduced, but people need not worry about this, because the IT specialists say that the situation will improve very soon.

According to the Indian stock market updates, the real estate sector is also suffering a lot. It is not attracting the buyers and the prices of real estate companies have got down. Those who are into real estate business believe that the condition has started improving and in times to come, this sector can register a huge growth. Till then, people need to keep patience. Apart from this, the situation of export is not good these days. Earlier, the export sector was generating lots of foreign money and thereby contributing to the growth of Indian economy. Market researchers believe that export will pick up very soon and once again add to the growth of the country.

The NSE & BSE sensex news further shocks people by giving updates regarding the stock prices of companies working in the financial and insurance sector. These companies are quite down. The obvious reason behind this is that the financial products like mutual funds, equity shares, insurance policies are not attracting the buyers these days. This is why, the market share of these companies has come down. According to the opinions of the financial analysts, the financial sector has still a huge potential and it will stabilise in the near future and the share market of India will boom. So, the investors need not to worry about their money, it will multiply very soon.

Quit shockingly, the prices of certain commodities have reduced. Those who read NSE & BSE sensex news must be knowing the downfall in the prices of gold and silver. Those who have invested in these commodities should have a sigh of relief because the prices of gold and silver are picking up these days. All these improvements in the commodity market will enable the investors to mint huge money.

On January 21, 2008, the BSE sensex saw the highest downfall that caused the loss of 1408 point. After that, it recovered and closed at 17,605.40, but it again tumbled to 16,963.96. So, it can be said that in 2008, the sensex has faced lots of jolts. The simple reason of it was the non-performance of various sectors. According to the Times of India, the highest sensex gain in the history Indian stock was on March 24, 1992, during the hey days of Harshad Mehta.

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Are you ready to invest in the stock market? When do you know it's time to start and how do you know your ready? Is it really a good idea to put all that money in the market? Are you worried?

So what will happen if you wait until you are ready or until you think you feel ready? You may never start investing your money. If you continue to live without investing for your future, you sacrifice your financial stability.

Investing in the stock market is about when you feel you are ready to start investing. Once you have learned whatever you can about investing, you just have to do it. Think about your future security.

The first most important thing to do when thinking about investing in the stock market is to learn everything you can about it. Don't start investing any kind of money until you know what you're doing. You could lose it all.

You might not be interested in taking all this time and effort to learn about stocks and investing. A lot of people aren't. Luckily, you have another option instead of taking all this time and effort.

There is a way to invest in stocks and still save a lot of time in effort. Normally if you are investing directly in stocks, you have to learn about what you're doing and continue researching. If instead you invest in mutual funds, you can forgo this.

That is why mutual funds are great. If you aren't up to learning all about stocks and doing stock research, you don't have to with mutual funds. You can leave all the learning and research to the fund manager.

Are you going to learn all you can about investing in the stock market and do your research week after week or are you going to invest in mutual funds and let the professionals take care of you? Don't worry, either way you are investing and building up your wealth.

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Penny stocks are share offerings made to stock investors by companies that are too small or new to be listed with the major stock exchanges. Lots of people are drawn to these stocks as they can call for a small initial cash outlay, but you must note that there sometimes there is a high risk of the share value tumbling to nothing. Although there are some risks taken with these types of stocks, there's also a hefty potential for large gains.

Obviously, when you're attempting to pick out a penny share to put money in in you are going to want to know some details about the organization. Just like purchasing other stocks, you are going to need to know the type of business they are operating and what business plans they have in the future.

One of the things that makes penny stocks so intriguing is the fact that most of the organizations issuing them are extremely simple. You will find many of these kinds of stocks that are companies involved with resources - their price will go up and down based on the value of the commodity.

Penny shares are thought of as a high risk vehicle, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The risks you take on with these stocks include improper of financial issues, limited trading volume and unfortunately even fraud.

Keep in mind that the reporting guidelines for penny stocks aren't typically as regulated as shares on bigger exchanges. One kind of penny stock is known as the Pink Sheets, there's hardly any regulatory requirement on penny shares, no standard accounting standards or reporting guidelines.

As you can imagine, due to this lack of regulation, this sort of stock is very vulnerable to manipulation and even used for fraud. A well known common schemes is called referred to as a "pump and dump" - people manipulating the price of stocks to increase and then get rid of all of their stocks immediately and leave other investors with big losses.

Don't let the above scare you off these sorts of shares! Penny stocks always have risks but also hold a sizeable potential for a large gain. There are lots of real, legitimate small organizations, and they have to get going somewhere. Tons of organizations that are classified as penny shares are headed to be a success in the future. Anyone who can spot out a valuable penny stock will get a large reward.

If you are able to spot out businesses that have potential, your payout will be large. Even if you were to post a loss on the majority of your penny stock selections, getting one successful pick will give you such a sizable gain that you'll forget all about the ones that fell in value.

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Penny stocks are share offerings available to investors by companies that are too new or small to be offered with the dominant stock exchanges. These offer significant growth possibilities, and your initial purchase can be rather small, however you also stand the risk of the organization becoming shut down and you dropping your money. The attraction to these types of stocks due to the case that even though they face risks you can see huge payoffs.

Picking Out penny shares reasonably means that you need to have an independent overview of the business's business model. Similar to purchasing shares of any other sort of publicly traded business, it's necessary to investigate everything about the company. That relates to understanding what the organization do, the product they make, what products are offered, how their business plan functions and who they are competing with.

It is unusual that the companies that offer these types of shares have complex companies - usually they are simple to understand and analyze. A typical kind of penny stock is a mining business that profits when the cost of the material it produces increases above a specific level. There are also oil extraction stocks that are valued in a similar way.

Penny stocks are considered a high risk vehicle, according to the many bankers. The risks you take on with these stocks include indirect and incomplete reporting of financial information, low liquidity and even fraud.

Keep in mind that the reporting guidelines for penny stocks aren't typically as tight as stocks on bigger exchanges. One of the sorts of penny stocks is called a "pink sheet" and has almost no regulation when it comes to their reporting and financial accounting standards.

Because there's very little or even no regulation, this renders this sort of share susceptible to fraud and dishonest trading. A well known common schemes is know as a "pump and dump" - here there are people manipulating the price of shares to rise drastically and then get rid of all of their shares in one transaction and leave other people out big money.

However, we don't want to scare you off! Penny stocks have their risks but also have a sizeable potential for a large gain. You can find scores of real, honest small businesses, and they have tons of potential. Tons of companies that are listed as penny stocks are going to be a great success in the future. If you are able to pick out one of these businesses, your return on your investment will be hefty.

If you are able to spot out companies that have promise, your payout are going to be huge. Even if you suffer a loss on most of your penny share selections, finding one one successful stock will be such a big gain that you'll forget about the picks that didn't work.

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